Assets Renting Industry Taking Automated Invoicing Solutions With Netsuit

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Case Study


Asset renting industry having the different item rental scenarios has to take their invoicing to automations and to implement the stores and procurement process via Netsuite. Client item rental Scenarios:-
• Breakdown
• Partially return
• Complete return
• Replacement of asset and 4-5 scenarios

Stages to carry out with via Netsuite

• Lead
• Customer Quote
• Sales order
• Invoice process


• Native functionalities of item fulfilment were not present as per client requirements
• Billing schedule

Sales process: –
• Native not sufficient so we implemented complete custom solution so to invoices all the scenarios are replacement of assets and all we made full automated invoicing we used workflow to carry out basic tasks
• Also we created procurement process for the same client
•At first we check inventory data – procurement form fill up - and made request –form fill up- selection of the desired vendor
Purchase process: –
• Automatic Purchase Order creation- item requested from vendor-vendor billing–Vendor payment
• We used suite Gl where the client needs custom GL impact, also we used multi currency scenario to full fill client multiple subsidiaries need
• Chart of account settlement
• Multiple types of reports and saved searches creation
• PDF and email html templates creation
• Month start on 3rd day all invoice gets generated of previous months by fully automated solution also we used many different different types of Workflows there to carry out basic things.
• We routed the approval by workflows rather than taking the direct approvals.

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